Instant messaging is the fastest growing form of communication in the world the past 5 years. With over 30 billion messages sent on whatsapp per day (source: whatsApp 2015), so domain wanted to enhance our mobile offering with 'Chat'. Instant messaging between consumer and agent. Increase user engagement, increase enquiry conversions and increase user and client satisfaction. Chat feature is currently available on Android and iOS apps. 

My work on this project was immense. From meeting with clients (Agents) and pitching our idea to some of the largest agencies in Australia to onboarding agents for Beta phase, to user testing, to working with client support to wireframing. It was an exciting project and I continue to watch and see how this space evolves, and how client and user uptake increases. 


  • UX Testing plan
  • High level UX plan 
  • Pitching idea to leading real estate agents
  • Training of agents
  • User testing  (cafe testing with principle prototype)
  • Workshops
  • Research
  • Wireframes
  • Detailed UX specs
  • Prototypes using Principle
  • A/B Tests
  • Post launch feedback (client and consumer)
  • Monitoring of consumer and client uptake using Tableau & Google Analytics data
  • Reporting of data to stakeholders
  • Continue to evolve features