The current mobile site for was designed in 2011. As the desktop version of the site gone through numerous changes there was a need to re-evaluate the content offering and re-envision the design to bring it up to the expectations of current mobile users and to be able to compete in a very crowded mobile news environment.

 Project Goals: 

  • Expose more content while balancing the need for performance
  • Enhance the experience by implementing a product & content strategy across the homepage, indexes and articles to make users explore content more easily including navigation redesign
  • Ensure the is cohesive, consistent and complementary to the product suite (consistencies as applicable through UX, design, navigation etc.)
  • Design the for quick and easy consumption. It should feel rich, comprehensive but not too overwhelming
  • Readers are delighted not alienated by the changes (transformation not reinvention)
  • Improve download speed by limiting the duplication of styles across the site and use of heavy imagery and Javascript
  • Mobile site should work on more handsets