My approach….Go lean. Think. Make. Create. Is this a feature that users want? How do users want it to work? Why invest lots of time & resources into a product that might not be wanted by the majority of customers. Applying lean UX principles will help to validate this quickly. 

What is the easiest way for the user to access this account? 

  • Recommendation: Use the pre-existing mobile App. Add new feature to the app. 
  • Assumption: Users prefer to have 1 app for relevant things rather than multiple apps. 

What is the safest way to invite friends to join this account?

  • Recommendation: Invite friends through email.
  • Assumption: Users are hesitant with sharing personal banking details through social media which is not secure. 

How can we encourage the group members to actively save and increase engagement to this feature?

  • Recommendation: Install a 'Chat bot’ (a machine learning bot, and a natural language bot) This bot can keep the group informed of how their investments are performing, send group messages when they have hit a milestone in their savings, or when a member has made a profit on their investment. More users engage with messenger apps now then they do with social apps. 
  • Assumption: Having regular updates provided to the members individually or as a group will increase user engagement and add that social feel to the app.  
